All of our lessons are designed to promote safety with horses. Our lessons included Mounted, Unmounted, Classroom or Barn Lessons.
Mounted Lessons--Students start with grooming & tacking their horse. Prior to mounting, our Instructors check their tack and assist getting the Student in the saddle. The lesson consists of rail work and pattern work. After the lesson, Students are required to cool down their horse, untack and re-groom their horse.
Unmounted lessons--These lessons are completed in hand. Safely leading the horses and working obstacles and patterns. Learning to lead horses is a scary thing for many Students so we are including it in each lesson.
Classroom lessons--We attempt to save classroom lessons for bad weather days. These lessons consist of learning about different breeds, saddle parts, medical conditions and emergencies, learning about different disciplines of riding etc.
Barn Lessons--These lessons are unique in the area of we are teaching how to care for the horses it may include feeding, watering, or a mucking stall. We may include medication administration or assessing the horses weight.
Check out this video for more info